Friday, September 23, 2011

DIY mercury glass tutorial~ Gorgeous!

This is such a great idea!  I just love the antiqued glass look.   You can see it everywhere now days but it can be very pricey.  These lamps from Pottery Barn are over $200.00!  The small pumpkin alone shown here sells for nearly $25.00.
Pottery Barn
Pottery Barn

DIY from Apartment Therapy
Here is a great way to get the same look for just pennies!

Krylon Lookinglass spray paint
Spray bottle with a 50/50 vinegar/water solution
Paper towels.
Glass object of your choice
Craft Paper

First, if you are working on a lamp, spray the outside of the glass with the Lookingglass spray paint. If you are working on a bowl or vase, spray the paint on the inside of the glass. You will want to cover the outside of the vase with craft paper to protect it.  The lookinglass paint is very thin and runs easily so spray very sparingly. You will want to apply a few thin coats.  Let the paint dry for 3-4 minutes between each coat.   After the vases are completely dry you will begin distressing them. This where all of the magic happens!

Spray your vinegar and water mixture over the part of the glass you painted.
You just need enough mixture to cover the surfaces in little water beads. After letting the vinegar solution sit for approximately twenty seconds, dampened a paper towel with more of the vinegar solution and then rub the the insides of the glass. The vinegar solution will soften the paint.  Gently wipe away the moisture and little bits of the paint will peel away. After you have the worn look you desire, give your glass one last spray of lookingglass paint so that the clear spots are not completely bare.

I recommend one last coat of clear spray paint to seal the entire project! 


  1. I am so glad I found your page! I love it! Will follow you here and already did on your fb page!

  2. Thank you so much! I am so glad to have you. :o)

  3. -so cool! -so fun reading all the posts I've been behind up. Kelli take me away. (Who needs Calgon when you've got Kelli?!)

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